Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Christmas Season Cough

Back in grade school, I would usually be absent for a week at the start of the school year (around June) and in December due to asthma. It was explained to me that the changing weather triggered my asthma attacks. 20 years later, after supposedly outgrowing my asthma, I find myself wheezing and coughing again. As the this season is also a time of reunions and some drinking, I've delayed taking any medicine for it to allow myself to indulge and enjoy.

The only thing that got me taking my meds and abstaining from alcohol is my running. That's because I'm just so itching to run again that I'm now willing to do almost anything to go back to waking up early in the morning to run in the dark where one can see a glowing sky and feel the cool wind against the face.

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