Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Last Run for 2009

I just ran what I think will be the last run for 2009 with my wife. I ran 6.6K (3 rounds in UP) in 39:05. Not as fast as I was hoping, but I think it was the best workout I've had in quite a long time. It was a very challenging run because I was able to push both my heart and my legs. And given the circumstances, I think this was a fitting run to end the year.

As I look back at 2009, I can see that I've made a lot of headway in running this year. In 2010, I'll be paying a lot of attention to my weekly distance. I hope to increase it to around 70K by the latter part of the year to prepare myself for a full marathon by the end of the year. To accomplish this, I intend to follow a program so I'm looking around for one that will match my work and family schedules. Let me know if you can help me out with the program. I'd really appreciate it.

Anyway, 2010 looks exciting. I'm looking forward to bigger and better races, new PRs and new running friends. Happy New Year Everybody!

1 comment:

daytripper1021 said...

u may want to try Runner's World Smart Coach. I find it very helpful whenever I train for half-marathons.