Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm Off My Meds

Today is the first day I ran without my prescribed muscle relaxant. This is a small milestone for me as I've been taking them to aid in my recovery from ITBS. For now, I think I can now do without it as I did not feel anything irregular with my right knee. I still wear the ITBS strap though. I think it's been the most effective accessory in my recovery. I just thought I should write it down to note down this milestone.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rainy Sunday Morning Run

The plan was a 30-minute Sunday morning run in UP. But when I learned that the UPCAT was scheduled today, I decided to run around our subdivision. When I left the house, the sun was just coming out. I even notice a sunny spot on our driveway where the sun shown through the clouds.

I started out with an eight minute warm up. My first round was difficult. Our subdivision had a stretch that would have you running on an incline for around 5 minutes. I was still not used to hills. Midway through my second round, it started to rain hard. I decided to change my shoes so I ran into my house and changed to my old New Balance shoes. I immediately noticed the difference from my Brooks Ghost. The NB shoes were stiffer and I could feel the stability. My Brooks were Neutral-Cushion shoes.

The rain was great. I thought it made my run much easier. I saw an uncle and an aunt while running and I thought they'd make a big deal out of seeing me running in the rain. But, I knew I was fine. My body was warm and the rain was cooling it. If I had felt cold, it would have been a different story.

By the last incline of the third round I could feel the strain on my legs. I was pushing it a bit. I finished my run in exactly 31 minutes. I was drenched, but I felt great. My wife keeps telling me what a fanatic I am for running in the rain. I wonder if she knows I sometimes look forward to the rain when I run.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Birthday Run in UP

It's been more than a month ago since I last ran on the UP Academic Oval. Since my injury late last December, all my runs in UP have ended in disappointment as the all too familiar pain on the side of my knee would show itself midway into my first round. Today was different because for the first time in seven months, I left the place happy that I was able to run without any pain.

Thank you Lord for a great birthday gift.

It was just 2 rounds (approximately 4.4 km), but it's a start. The knee still isn't capable of going farther even if my heart and lungs appear to still be strong enough. Although I already noticed it before, I was reminded as to how different it is running on the road compared to running on a treadmill. The road isn't a completely flat surface and definitely requires more effort. Nevertheless, the road is so much more interesting than the treadmill. When I'm in the gym, I usually get impatient after around 20 to 30 minutes. On the road, I can easily entertain myself with the sights and people around me.

I want to run in UP again next week. Just 2 rounds at a time for now so my body can adjust properly. I would want to experience the pain ever again. I have to think long term.