Sunday, January 17, 2010

Back to Resting Again

Last Sunday, I woke up at 5AM and it was cool and drizzling ever so slightly. Great weather for running I thought, so I packed up my gear and rushed to UP. I did 4 rounds around UP and as I did, I could feel a very slight pain on the side of my knee build up. After 4 rounds, I decided to stop for my knee's sake. The pain wasn't really bad, but with Condura coming up, I didn't want to risk it.

When I got home, I made myself a big glass of milk and took a shower right after. By the time I was to crash back into bed to rest, I felt it again - the sinister beginnings of an allergic reaction, similar to what I felt last Friday. This is getting bad. My immune system must really be down.

If you guys read my facebook account, I put down on my post "needs to cut down on running for awhile." I just want to get back to fighting form. Last year, I felt invincible all the way up to December. If resting is the fastest way to get back to running, so be it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Down and Out

I've learned that my immune system is down when I become really sensitive and susceptible to allergic reactions. That was the case last week when I would have reactions almost every other day. Sometimes, I would take antihistamines to control it but only when it would get very bad. By the latter half of the week, my cough had gotten worse and my nose had started running. It got really bad last Saturday so I knew it was about time I paid more attention to my health. It's been more than a week since I last ran so I really want to get better and get back to my training. So here's to lots of rest, liquids, vitamins and medicines. May they do the trick and get me back on the road fast.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 3, 2010, My First Long Run for the Year

I was quite excited to be well enough to run again last Sunday. I usually set a regular goal and a stretch goal for every run. Last Sunday, I made it my goal to run 6 rounds around the UP Academic Oval (around 13.2K) and a stretch goal of running 7 rounds.

I got up late though and got to UP at 7am. When I got there, I noticed that there were already many people going around the oval. Many of them were familiar faces. I guessed that many of these were trying to burn off the weight they gained during the holiday season. I decided to run with the new water bottle my wife gave me. It was actually quite easy to carry.

By the 3rd round, I felt tired and a bit disappointed. I thought I was supposed to be stronger than that. Anyway, I brushed away thoughts of just doing one more round and held on to my goal of 6 to 7 rounds. On my 6th round, I felt a bit better so I decided to try and speed it up a bit.

I finished 6 rounds with a time of 1:32:19, which translates to a speed of 7 minutes per km. It wasn't very fast but I still do feel it was a good workout. I did, however, feel a pain on the side of my knee about an hour after the run. The pain subsided the day after the run, but then I decided to move my next run to Wednesday, January 6 just to be give my legs it time to rest.