Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Run for Home: My First DNS!

It was awful. I woke up and there already was light outside the window. And the weather looked perfect.

I looked at the time and wondered what went wrong. Yesterday evening, I made an effort to sleep early for this race. I set up my two cell phones to alarm at 3:30AM the night before and I had slept through both of them.

The day before the race, I bought myself oatmeal and a Gatorade for breakfast. I prepared all my things for the race, which were either ready in my gym bag or set aside on the way to the bathroom.

And I knew that my running buddies would wonder where I was and why I didn't make it. To head them off, I sent a quick text to them saying that I didn't wake up. Then, I put on the running gear I had set aside and ran until my legs felt like they were made of lead.

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