Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Races I Plan to Join

It’s been quite some time since I have last ran a race. The last official one was the Condura Half Marathon held last March 22, 2009. Since then, I’ve been running around our village on weekdays and at the UP Academic Oval on weekends. With nothing definite yet to look forward to, I feel like I have relaxed a bit. My hard runs are no longer as intense and my long runs are only at 11K max. I have even missed a number of my weekday runs because I’d wake up late (like this morning). I believe I’ve somewhat lost the discipline that I used to have and need to fit running into my weekly schedule.

So if it’s the lack of races that’s making me slip, it’s about time I started joining races again. I’ve done my scan of the races to come and I’ve decided on the following races:

1. Earth Run 16K – May 31
2. Mizuno Infinity Run 15K – June 7
3. JG Summit Fun Run 10K – July 12

I already have PRs for the 15K (1:34.52) and the 10K (57:52) so those are goals I have to beat. Now to get to ROX to register!

I've posted below the race routes for the Mizuno Infinity Run. I can't find a copy of the Earth Run route.

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