Monday, December 15, 2008

UP ICTUS Centennial Run

I was quite cautious not to put my goal of running a sub 1-hour 10k race for the UP ICTUS Centennial Run because I was afraid I would not make it. Nonetheless, it was the setting of the goal that kept me going even when I felt like I had run out of steam.

I think I was able to prepare for the race pretty well having been able to do some speed exercises this last three weeks. I was able to have a good breakfast and I got there early enough to warm up a bit.

I think the last minute change in the race course caught me off guard because I got a bit disoriented not being able to tell how much farther to go so I picked up my pace too soon and ended up having to take a couple of walk breaks. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the race. For the first 6km, I felt strong and relaxed. I also noticed that the middle group of this race had taken up a relatively fast pace.

So, congratulations again to the race organizers for another great race. Thank you for the free Finisher's Singlet, Rush Sports Drink and Hidden Spring Mineral Water, Mens Health Magazine, Krispy Kreme Donut and Photovendo On-the-spot Picture.

My official time was 59 minutes and 50 seconds, a personal record! Imagine what it could have been had I not taken those walk breaks.

Loved: Running through the cool air of the UP Diliman campus.
Hated: The smoke belchers driving through the campus ruining the air as they pass.

Pictures of the event below!