Monday, September 27, 2010

Road Races Anyone?

As enthusiastic as I was last year to join at least one road race each month, I have been the exact opposite this year. It is mainly due to two things: 1) A thigh or knee injury called ITBS, which I think I have recovered from; and 2) A more fastidious outlook on races especially given how many seem to be more fund raising-centered. (Maybe I'm just a cheapskate.)

Between the two reasons, I think the first reason carries more weight. I haven't been joining races because I don't think I'm as fit as I was before. And so, I'm a bit concerned about the finish times I might get at this time. It can be quite frustrating that I cannot immediately get back to my old running pace and endurance.

But rather than letting it get me down, I believe this frustration keeps me more determined to push harder. Now, I think I need someone to tell me to balance that determination with the need to take care of my body.

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