Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Run for Home: My First DNS!

It was awful. I woke up and there already was light outside the window. And the weather looked perfect.

I looked at the time and wondered what went wrong. Yesterday evening, I made an effort to sleep early for this race. I set up my two cell phones to alarm at 3:30AM the night before and I had slept through both of them.

The day before the race, I bought myself oatmeal and a Gatorade for breakfast. I prepared all my things for the race, which were either ready in my gym bag or set aside on the way to the bathroom.

And I knew that my running buddies would wonder where I was and why I didn't make it. To head them off, I sent a quick text to them saying that I didn't wake up. Then, I put on the running gear I had set aside and ran until my legs felt like they were made of lead.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

JG Fun Run 2009: Accelerating the Pace

Congratulations to the organizers of the JG Summit Fun Run! There were a total 583 people who participated in either the 5K or 10K race. When I got to the Heritage Park, I thought it was great to see many key officers and staff in their running attire. I was so used to seeing them in the usual work clothes that it was actually a bit hard to recognize some of them. I remember seeing Mr. Lance, Ms. Robina, Ms. Lisa and Ms. Marcia.

The 10K course would take 4 loops around the park and runners were required to get 4 different-colored pieces of straw. The course was hilly on one side and more stable on the other. 5K runners had to run 2 loops. I knew that the course would be difficult so I decided to run with a knee brace for support.

One thing I’ll never forget about this race was the way it started. I thought that, not counting the security personnel assigned to the family, it might have been possible for me to at least have a place in the top ten. However, just as Ms. Lisa Gokongwei fired the gun, the entire first and second rows of runners made a mad dash forward. Wow! By the time I got started, the leader was probably 100 meters ahead.

In the middle of my first round, my left lower leg felt like it wasn’t getting enough blood. I suspected that it was because of my knee brace, but then I shrugged it of thinking that there were many times before where I ran with it and I ended up okay. This time, by the fourth round, I felt like a cramp was about to happen in my lower left leg. By then, it was too late to stop. I finished with a time of 1:01:52. I know I’ve done better, but maybe it’s also because of the race course. I definitely had trouble with the hilly portions of the course. Perhaps I should start running around my village again just to get used the hills once more.

One of the come-ons of the race was the chance to run with our president, Mr. Lance Gokongwei. There were a few times when I had finished earlier than he did in our previous races so I thought I would be able to do the same in this race. Alas, he finished with a time of 1:00:09!