Monday, March 2, 2009

Respect the Summer Heat

Summer's here! I've been trying to get used to running for 2 hours straight and I realized that one of my limitations was that after an hour and a half of running, I needed to rehydrate myself. It's been getting warm lately and even in UP where there are many shaded areas, I noticed that it get's relatively warm by around 7:30AM. It was with these thoughts that I decided to prepare myself for my run yesterday around the academic oval.

I got up at 530AM to have a light breakfast and drink a sports drink. I was at the UP academic oval by around 630AM and after around 10 minutes of brisk walking and some stretching, I was running. For hydration, I decided to carry with me a sports drink, 500 ml.

By my 6th round around the oval, I finished my bottle. By 8AM, my legs started to get tired so I decided speed up and finish my run on my 7th round. I also noticed that I wasn't perspiring as much. I had planned another round but I did not want to risk an injury a few weeks before the Condura Race.

After my run, I drank another 500 ml of sports drink and a bottle of water in UP and I continued drinking water when I got home at around 10AM. Normally, I would feel hydrated enough before noon. What concerned me was that after all that I had drunk, not once did I go to the bathroom and I was developing a headache. I figured that I was still dehydrated so I kept on drinking until I finally did go to the bathroom.

I think this is an important lesson here. I tend to perspire a lot so I need to pay attention to how my body performs when running. I also realized that the heat of the summer sun is something to be respected.

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