Monday, November 17, 2008

Joining the Unicef Walk on the Child's Side Run

I had originally planned just one run a month so that it would be easier to see my improvement with roughly a month of training before each run. It also meant that I had to choose between the VSO Bahaginan and the Unicef Runs.

I was torn in terms of which cause to support since both were important to me in one way or another. Anyway, I chose the VSO Bahaginan Run since I believed in the need for volunteerism and I also thought that the VSO Run was roughly close to a month away from my first run, the Adidas KOTR. Just when I had made up my mind, a friend of mine invited me to join the Unicef Run. I also learned that many of my friends had decided to join both.
So here I am with two runs for the month. I sure hope to perform significantly better this time. I finished my first 10k at 1:13:41 and my second at 1:06:58. I hope to finish below 1 hour this time. I have three more days to run before this race so I have to make the most of them. I plan a long tempo, an easy run and then intervals. I'll have Friday and Saturday to rest and recover.

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