Sunday, June 20, 2010

Recovery Attempts from ITBS

It's been such a long time since I've run more than 2km. The doctor said I have Iliotibial Band Syndrome, a common running injury usually caused by over training and biomechanical problems. At first I thought that since it's so common, it shouldn't be difficult to treat. Boy, was I wrong. After six months, I still feel the distinct dull pain that builds up when I run more than 2km. It has gotten to the point that I have this lurking fear that the pain will reveal itself again whenever I try to run.

I've been told to change my shoes, do some stretches, strengthen my core and legs, and take some muscle relaxants. I was also told to get back into running very slowly. So I enrolled in our company gym and I try to do a walk-run-walk routine. The running part of it is only 5 minutes. Is that slow enough? So far, no pain. For next week, I'm still trying to decide if I can increase the running portion to 10 minutes. What do you think?